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Data Sharing and Consent for Google Drive Access with Third Party Providers

At Tavrn, we believe in transparency and are committed to protecting your privacy. In alignment with our own principles, we also abide by Google's commitment to user privacy and data control. This section of our privacy policy outlines our data handling practices related to your Google Drive data and its interaction with third-party tools, including artificial intelligence (AI) models developed by OpenAI.

Data we Collect and Share with OpenAI

Tavrn utilizes Google's Drive API to access and manage files and folders stored on your Google Drive. The data we collect is vital to providing you a superior and personalized user experience. This data consists of:

  • File Name: The title of your documents on Google Drive.
  • File Type: The format of your files (e.g., .doc, .pdf, .xls).
  • File Content: The actual written, visual, or audio content within the files.
  • File Metadata: Additional information about the files such as the date of creation, modification dates, and potentially the owner and sharing status, as permitted by Google's policies.

We share this data with OpenAI, but only after you provide explicit consent. The data is used to power AI models that provide various services such as content recommendation, document analysis, and error detection. This helps us to improve your experience with our application.

Tavern, Inc. All Rights Reserved.